Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm ONE celebrations!!!

Ok its nearly a week tomorrow T turned ONE + yes I'm sooooooo hopless at this blog thing!!!
But i have a house full of sick kids + a over tired Mummy!!!!
T had a lovely day turning one (as if he knew what was going on). So here's just a few pics to see T in the party mode!!!!
helping to make his cake!!! pressie time!!!
blowing out the candles!!!

and finally eating the cake!!!!


Chris Millar said...

He looks like he had a great day Rach! Love the cake photo!LOL I hope the kids improve soon and that you can get some decent sleep!

Ali said...

Ohhhhhhh so cute - love that "I've just eaten cake" shot.

Don't forget to look after you Rach.

nic said...

Why can't I find your email address!!!!

Roz said...

Hey Rach, I just wanted to congratulate you on the Junkitz comp!! Well done! That's fantastic!! woohoo!